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“Hey, let’s have a big lettuce-only salad for lunch!” Silence. “I said, doesn’t that sound good?” Some more silence. “My favorite food is straight, raw spinach. The flavor! I mean, what more could you ask for?” “Raw broccoli is sooooo yummy because I just love that tasteless, dry crunch to it!” These are all slightly ridiculous statements, but they cause me to think, why is it that so many people love salad, or hate salad? The truth is, we don’t have to hate salad! Now I know that blew some of your minds and while you’re picking yourself up off...

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Have you noticed "High Fiber" on product labels?  Ever wondered what is so special about eating "fiber"?  I mean, seriously, who wants to chew on some fiber?  I got to wondering about it myself, so I did a little research for you.What is fiber?Fiber is the structural part of plants that our bodies can't break down.  There are two kinds of fiber:1.  Soluable Fiber: dissolves in water to form a gummy gel. It can slow down the movement of food from the stomach to the intestine. Examples include dried beans, oats, barley, bananas, potatoes, and soft parts of apples and...

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Do you feel overwhelmed or wiped out like there just isn't enough time in your day? No matter what your life is like, we all have those moments! Do you ever look at a project and get those "AHHH, I don't want to deal with this" thoughts?  Yes, I get it!  What farmer doesn't?  What mom doesn't?  Who says life is easy?We can feel like giving up, getting agitated, or being overly controlling. Why resort to those coping methods?  Why not use a few healthy habits and feel amazing? That's exactly what I'm doing.  And it's REALLY working!!!! My 4...

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When I was a little girl, my dad loved to garden.  Every Friday afternoon he would get out in the garden.  It was a great stress management tool.  My dad always spoke good things about green leafy vegetables.  I don't remember my parents saying, "eat your greens." I do remember my dad saying, "Hmmm, I love those greens" or "Are there any more greens?" We just all knew my dad liked them.  I like my dad.  So, I thought I should like greens too. Do you ever wonder whether it is actually worth it to eat your greens?  I mean,...

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Do you ever feel stumped on how to show someone special that you really love him or her?  Maybe it comes easy for you.  Not always easy for me. Do you want to show someone you care, even though she is a little prickly in character? The more I reach out and figure out how to speak love to others, the happier the world around me becomes.  True, we don't always feel like "being nice", but why not focus on how happy I am inside when I enjoy the process of showing love to my special people? While I was...

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