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Ah, I love to have just what I need in the kitchen and not a bunch of useless gadgets that just get in the way...peak in my drawer.One year, I sorted through all my kitchen utensils and put all the "useless" items in a box and eventually gave those away.  It felt SOOOO good and was much easier to close the drawers, keep clean, and enjoy.Hmmm, Christmas is coming up faster than I'm ready for.  Do you ever feel that way?  Well, these useful kitchen gadgets just might give you some great gift ideas for that special person AND help...

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Yay!  We did it, the garlic is all planted.  Now to wait patiently until July, 2024. Have you noticed that life is full of instant things these days? Quick push of the button, instant foods, harder to sit still for long periods of time without a phone to look at, fast switching between screen shots on TV, etc.  I've noticed AND experienced it. So much in society actually trains us to give up quick or rely on “crutches” like a movie, coffee, social media, a beer, or just “do what you want” to cope with hard situations or give up.I...

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Garlic is amazing! Think of all the different ways we eat garlic...soups, sauces, salas, marinades, spaghetti sauce, with veggies, garlic powder, etc.  You eat it in SO many different ways! That said, most of the garlic Americans eat is not grown in the U.S. or from people you know their growing practices.  Why does that matter? Did you know garlic is a super-food? Garlic adds so much flavor in cooking, and it is high in medicinal value. Garlic is high in Manganese, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and many other trace minerals that are vital for healthy immune function.  The compound...

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Do you ever have your down moments, especially when things don't go as planned?  Well, you are not alone.  Farm life is full of the unexpected!!!  I have had tempting thoughts like that recently with unexpected things happening.  This week, lettuce and Red Kuri squash have something to do with it.  Most of our Red Kuri squash was enjoyed by gophers.  Yes, they liked them too and at least 1/2 of the crop have their little teeth marks in the squash.  How sad!  So, looking on the bright side, we'll have a 2nds sale coming up soon.I keep being reminded...

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I love stir fried veggies!  I grew up in Asia and so I have a taste for Asian food.  And what a fabulous way to use up my odds-and-ends of veggies in my refrigerator.  One of the veggies are Dragon's Tongue beans. And what are Dragon's Tongue beans?  This is a Dutch heirloom bean.  They are flat, yellow with burgundy stripes and have a lovely flavor just like our green beans.  When you cook them, they turn all yellow.  Just use them like you would green beans. Are you ever afraid to try new things?  You are not alone.  Often...

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