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Delightful Raspberry Scones
So, it is raspberry time of year. Pop them in your mouth for full flavor, freeze for later, make scones, sprinkle them in salads, sprinkle on waffles or ice-cream. Ahhh, they are so usable, even though they do take careful time to pick. Here's the Raspberry Scones recipe from the farm that we have totally enjoyed!
Pruning my life...and raspberries...What is the best YES?
This week we are finishing up pruning our raspberries and blackberries. Pruning can be a daunting task or a real joy, depending on how you think about it. Isn't that true with so many things in our life? As I prune...this is what I do...1. Cut out the obviously bad stems.2. Take out the little stems that are "good" but not really going to be useful in the long run--ones trying to grow outside of the row and small ones.3. Leave the right amount of strong & healthy stems. Do you ever have a hard time deciding what to spend your time...
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