Pruning my life...and raspberries...What is the best YES?
This week we are finishing up pruning our raspberries and blackberries. Pruning can be a daunting task or a real joy, depending on how you think about it.
Isn't that true with so many things in our life?
As I prune...this is what I do...
1. Cut out the obviously bad stems.
2. Take out the little stems that are "good" but not really going to be useful in the long run--ones trying to grow outside of the row and small ones.
3. Leave the right amount of strong & healthy stems.
Do you ever have a hard time deciding what to spend your time on? I feel SOOOO overwhelmed. What do I say "yes" to in my day?
Looking at all that jumble of choices or berry branches in my DAY can be overwhelming or joyful. (:
What helps me? Know that it will be a lovely day in the end if I simply keep my end goal in mind and choose the best yes one at a time.
These concepts apply so nicely to my own life...
1. There are things that are obviously bad for me, so...say a strong NO to them and cut them out totally!!!
2. There can be so many good things in my day, but what will really help me towards my end goal? Pause to think & choose what end goals REALLY matter to me.
3. Leave the right amount of good things in my day. There are certain things in my day that are non-negotiables that are my anchors--exercising & time with John, eating healthy food, time alone with God, connecting time with my kids/friends, and being of service to others. Often times, too much of a good thing is no longer good!
So, what questions can I ask myself to determine what is the BEST YES?
Evaluation Eliminates Frustration
1. It feels thrilling to say yes to this now. But how will this yes feel two weeks, two months, and six months from now?
2. Do any of the expectations that come from this yes feel forced or frantic?
3. Could any part of this yes be tied to people pleasing and allowing that desire to skew my judgment of what's realistic and unrealistic?
4. Do wise (older, grounded in God's Word, more experienced, and more mature) people in my life think this is a good idea?
5. Are there any facts I try to avoid or hide when discussing this with my wise advisors?
When an opportunity stretches me to a breaking point, it becomes unrealistic. It's like letting all those berry vines keep growing! It just gets out of hand!!!
Consider these areas when making decisions:
1. My time. The schedule required to meet all the demands of this opportunity isn't in line with the time I have to invest.
2. My ability. I'm not equipped with the necessary skills to carry out the functions of this opportunity. OR This IS an area I can and want to grow in.
3. My money. I can't afford the financial responsibilities that come along with this opportunity.
4. My passion. The responsibilities of this opportunity evoke a sense of dread instead of fulfillment in my heart.
5. My season. There is something that must take a higher priority during this season of my life, therefore the timing is off for me to take this opportunity.
Keep pruning and enjoy it...the end goal is going to be amazing & delicious!!!