Simply Super Sprouting in a Jar
It's winter, the garden is dead from the hard freeze, and you are tired of the grocery store selection this time of year. Now what?
Stock up on our microgreens!
Yeah, well, my family is a little big or my budget is a little small so that feels expensive and they are kinda finicky to grow myself.
What's another option?
Sprouts -- it's super food in a jar. It's pretty easy! Yes, even you can grow it at home with just 5 minutes a day.
You can have your own little miniature garden right in your kitchen. Fresh sprouts peaking out of a sandwich is like soaking up the sun on a nice warm beach, just taking it all in.
- Sprouts are seeds plus the first plant shoot.
- Sprouts contain 100 times more enzymes than other vegetables - making them easier on digestion.
- They have more nutrients than almost any other food including more vitamins, minerals, and cancer fighting antioxidants.
- Soaking & sprouting helps remove compounds that can interfere with nutrient absorption and digestibility.
- If you have more challenges with your digestion, soak seeds 12 hours, let sit to sprout 12-24 hours, then cook the seeds/grains as you typically do.
How to Grow Sprouts in a Jar
Day 1: In the evening, soak seeds + water in a jar over night.
Day 2: In the morning, spin on your sprouting lids and drain the soaking water. Add in clean water and swirl it around to rinse the sprouts. Drain off the water and place the jars propped upside down on a towel in a place without direct sun light. Rinse the sprouts 1-2 more times throughout the day. I usually rinse them in the morning, around supper time, and right before bed.
Day 3: Rinse the sprouts 2-3 times today. Set the jar on it's side. Little sprout tails start to form! Remember that sprouts can have different sprouting times.
Day 4: Rinse & repeat like yesterday. The little gems are growing!
Day 5: Same old same old. Rinse and repeat. Pea sprouts should finished today. Move them into a paper towel lined container and pop them into the fridge. Pea sprouts are finished when their tails are about 1 inch long.
Day 6: When your sprouts have grown to about 1 inch in length move them into some direct sunlight. Continue to rinse the sprouts and drain them as before.
The sunlight will activate the chlorophyll and make them a bright green! Rotate your jar throughout the day so that all sides see some sunlight. By the end of 1-2 days in the sun, they should be green and ready to transfer to the fridge.
Pea sprouts need more growing space to get green leaves, so you put those in the fridge earlier.
Here's a seed sprouting chart I like. Sorry, it's not super clear, but you'll get the idea.