My 2 Favorite De-cluttering Tips
As the weather gets more cold and rainy, our attention focuses more on the inside of the house. And oh, I see little messes here and there.
How annoying!
How annoying!
That corner of coats...
A dresser full of papers and "junk"...
Canning supplies still in my kitchen...
My refrigerator! (yeah, just shutting the door doesn't make it improve). Laugh.
But, I CAN do something about it!!!
My 2 Favorite De-cluttering Tips
1. 10 Minute Tidying. Pick a little spot to tidy. Set your timer for 10 minutes, de-clutter that spot, and enjoy the progress when you're done. Now, that sounds do-able!!! If it is a bigger project, I set my timer for 1 hour. This works so well on many things.
2. 5 seconds now! When you are tempted to just drop something on the nearest counter, floor, or leave it right where you used it, tell yourself, "It just takes a few more seconds to put it where it REALLY goes. And then I don't have to do a pile of seconds later."
Sound do-able to you?
What little corner do you want to de-clutter?
When are you going to do it?
You will feel healthier, happier, and live longer in a tidy space. What does this have to do with eating healthy produce? You can apply this same principle to what you eat.
Taking 10 minutes to clean out your refrigerator, even one shelf, adds money to your pocket book, peace of mind, and choices to keep healthy items handy.
A 5 second choice NOW brings amazing health today and saves you a whole lot of trouble later.
Ahhh, I love it!
You can do it,
P.S. The picture above is of a 10 minute tidying project I did recently.